As work on the Public Access WiFi Service (PAWS) continues, people regularly point us in the direction of other wide area WiFi networks. Potential we can learn a lot from these projects, from both the social and technical sides. Here I am going to try to focus on the technical details and the payment models:
For each project, I hope to us the following framework to access it:
Project Location:
Coverage provided:
Project Organisers and Partners:
Reason for funder to invest in project:
Time network was available ?
Cost to the user:
Service provided to users in terms of bandwidth, time browsering, websites available etc ?
Are the services provides allocated per user or per device ?
What form of user sign-up required ?
Can the user by-pass these restrictions ?
How is the WiFi network secured ?
Is the WiFi network open or encrypted ? If encrypted, how easily is the password available ?
Is the network vulnerable to rough access points ?
Is the network vulnerable to packet sniffing ?
Is the network/APs vulnerable to DoS attacks ?
Are the user informed of the importance of us a VPN or HTTPS