Last time, we wrote a simple “dig like” unikernel. Given a domain and the address of a nameserver, the unikernel resolved the domain by asking the nameserver and returned the return to the console.
Today, we will look at another way to resolve a DNS query, being a DNS server. This is useful in its own right but also allows us to cool things with our local DNS resolver such as locally overwriting DNS names and resolving .local names, both of which we will add to our DNS resolver another day.
Today we use features only added to ocaml-dns library in version 0.15 (currently PR #52), so if you do not have this version or later, then update OPAM or pin the master branch on github.
Building a DNS server with MirageOS is simple, look at the following code:
open Lwt open V1_LWT open Dns open Dns_server let port = 53 let zonefile = "" module Main (C:CONSOLE) (K:KV_RO) (S:STACKV4) = struct module U = S.UDPV4 module DNS = Dns_server_mirage.Make(K)(S) let start c k s = let t = DNS.create s k in DNS.serve_with_zonefile t ~port ~zonefile end
The above code will serve DNS requests to port 53, responding with the resource records (RR) in We have provided an example zone file in the repo with the code from this guide. To use this unikernel, we also need to edit the file from yesterday.
open Mirage let data = crunch "./data" let handler = foreign "Unikernel.Main" (console @-> kv_ro @-> stackv4 @-> job) let ip_config:ipv4_config = { address= Ipaddr.V4.make 192 168 1 2; netmask= Ipaddr.V4.make 255 255 255 0; gateways= [Ipaddr.V4.make 192 168 1 1]; } let direct = let stack = direct_stackv4_with_static_ipv4 default_console tap0 ip_config in handler $ default_console $ data $ stack let () = add_to_ocamlfind_libraries ["dns.mirage";"dns.lwt-core"]; add_to_opam_packages ["dns"]; register "dns" [direct]
We are using crunch to access the zone file in the data directory. As explain in part 1, this config file is specific to my network setup for xen backends and can easily be generalised.
You can now test your DNS server and see it work
$ dig @
Well this is cool as i am doing the same thing with different tools which is a vpn tool. I found this tool from vpnranks and it is useful for me to access everything.