Category Archives: OCaml

Do you want a shed or a castle?

I have seen the error of my (programming) ways. Let me explain…

To me, programming in OCaml is like trying to build a house from just breeze blocks. It takes a long time to build even a simple shed. However. when its done, its really quite solid.

To me, programming in Go is like building a house from an array of complex pre-build components. In the blink of an eye, you have an amazing castle, complete with turrets and ornate window frames.

You open the door to your beautiful new castle and it all fails down. Each time you rebuild one part, another falls down.

You are full of regrets as you sleep in the wreckage of your fallen castle and wish for a solid shed.

Another fallen castle – rod collier [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Yours truly,

Someone fighting to hold up a fallen castle

EDIT: here’s  some more example of what a falling castle looks like

Screen Shot 2016-04-28 at 14.46.46

Screen Shot 2016-04-28 at 14.52.34

Part 3: Running your own DNS Resolver with MirageOS

This article is the third in the “Running your own DNS Resolver with MirageOS” series. In the first part, we used the ocaml-dns library to lookup the hostname corresponding with an IP address using its Dns_resolver_mirage module. In the second part, we wrote a simple DNS server, which serves RRs from a zone file using the Dns_server_mirage module.

Today in the third part, we will combine the above to write a simple DNS resolver, which relays queries to another DNS resolver. Then we will compose this with our simple DNS server from last week, to build a resolver which first looks up queries in the host file and if unsuccessful will relay the query to another DNS resolver.

As always, the complete code for these examples is in ocaml-dns-examples.

3.1 DNS FoRwarder

When writing our simple DNS server, we used a function called serve_with_zonefile in Dns_server_mirage to service incoming DNS queries. Now we are going remove a layer of abstraction and instead use serve_with_processor:

val serve_with_processor: t -> port:int -> processor:(module PROCESSOR) -> unit Lwt.t
val serve_with_zonefile : t -> port:int -> zonefile:string -> unit Lwt.t

Now instead of passing the function a simple string, representing the filename of zonefile, we pass a first class module, satisfying the PROCESSOR signature. We can generate such a module by writing a process and using processor_of_process:

type ip_endpoint = Ipaddr.t * int

type 'a process = src:ip_endpoint -> dst:ip_endpoint -> 'a -> Dns.Query.answer option Lwt.t

module type PROCESSOR = sig
  include Dns.Protocol.SERVER

  (** DNS responder function.
      @param src Server sockaddr
      @param dst Client sockaddr
      @param Query packet
      @return Answer packet
  val process : context process

type 'a processor = (module PROCESSOR with type context = 'a)

val processor_of_process : Dns.Packet.t process -> Dns.Packet.t processor

So given a Dns.Packet.t process, which is a function of type:

src:ip_endpoint -> dst:ip_endpoint -> Dns.Packet.t -> Dns.Query.answer option Lwt.t

We can now service DNS packets. If we assume that myprocess is a function of this type, we can service DNS queries with the following unikernel

open Lwt
open V1_LWT
open Dns
open Dns_server

let port = 53

module Main (C:CONSOLE) (K:KV_RO) (S:STACKV4) = struct

  module U = S.UDPV4
  module DS = Dns_server_mirage.Make(K)(S)

  let myprocess ~src ~dst packet = ...

  let start c k s =
    let server = DS.create s k in
    let processor = ((Dns_server.processor_of_process myprocess) :> (module Dns_server.PROCESSOR)) in 
    DS.serve_with_processor server ~port ~processor

Now we will write an implementation of myprocess which will service DNS packets by forwarding them to another DNS resolver and then relaying the response.

Recall from part 1, that you can use the resolve function in Dns_resolver_mirage to do this. All that remains is to wrap invocation of resolve, in a function of type Dns.Packet.t process, which can be done as follows:

let process resolver ~src ~dst packet =
      let open Packet in
      match packet.questions with
      | [] -> (* we are not supporting QDCOUNT = 0  *)
          return None 
      | [q] -> 
         DR.resolve (module Dns.Protocol.Client) resolver 
         resolver_addr resolver_port q.q_class q.q_type q.q_name 
          >>= fun result ->
          return (Some (Dns.Query.answer_of_response result))) 
      | _ -> (* we are not supporting QDCOUNT > 1 *)
          return None
3.2 DNS server & forwarder

[this part requires PR 58 on ocaml-dns until it is merged in]

We will extend our DNS forwarded to first check a zonefile, this is achieve with just 3 extra lines:

DS.eventual_process_of_zonefiles server [zonefile]
>>= fun process ->
let processor = (processor_of_process (compose process (forwarder resolver)) :> (module Dns_server.PROCESSOR)) in

Here we are using compose to use two processes: one called process generated from the zonefile and one called forwarder, from the forwarding code in the last section.

Next time, we will extend our DNS resolver to include a cache.



Part 2: Running your own DNS Resolver with MirageOS

Last time, we wrote a simple “dig like” unikernel. Given a domain and the address of a nameserver, the unikernel resolved the domain by asking the nameserver and returned the return to the console.

Today, we will look at another way to resolve a DNS query, being a DNS server. This is useful in its own right but also allows us to cool things with our local DNS resolver such as locally overwriting DNS names and resolving .local names, both of which we will add to our DNS resolver another day.

Today we use features only added to ocaml-dns library in version 0.15 (currently PR #52), so if you do not have this version or later, then update OPAM or pin the master branch on github.

Building a DNS server with MirageOS is simple, look at the following code:

open Lwt
open V1_LWT
open Dns
open Dns_server

let port = 53
let zonefile = ""

module Main (C:CONSOLE) (K:KV_RO) (S:STACKV4) = struct

  module U = S.UDPV4
  module DNS = Dns_server_mirage.Make(K)(S)

  let start c k s =
    let t = DNS.create s k in
    DNS.serve_with_zonefile t ~port ~zonefile

The above code will serve DNS requests to port 53, responding with the resource records (RR) in We have provided an example zone file in the repo with the code from this guide. To use this unikernel, we also need to edit the file from yesterday.

open Mirage

let data = crunch "./data"

let handler =
  foreign "Unikernel.Main" (console @-> kv_ro @-> stackv4 @-> job)

let ip_config:ipv4_config = {
  address= Ipaddr.V4.make 192 168 1 2;
  netmask= Ipaddr.V4.make 255 255 255 0;
  gateways= [Ipaddr.V4.make 192 168 1 1];

let direct =
  let stack = direct_stackv4_with_static_ipv4 default_console tap0 ip_config  in
  handler $ default_console $ data $ stack

let () =
  add_to_ocamlfind_libraries ["dns.mirage";"dns.lwt-core"];
  add_to_opam_packages ["dns"];
  register "dns" [direct]

We are using crunch to access the zone file in the data directory. As explain in part 1, this config file is specific to my network setup for xen backends and can easily be generalised.

You can now test your DNS server and see it work

$ dig @


Part 1: Running your own DNS Resolver with MirageOS

The following is the first part in a step-by-step guide to setting up your own DNS resolver using MirageOS. I will be running this on a low power, low cost ARM device called the Cubieboard 2. Up to date code for each version of the DNS resolver is on Github. This guide assumes some basic experience of lwt and MirageOS, up to the level of the Hello World Tutorial.

Feedback on this article and pull requests to the demo code are welcome.

Part 1.1 – Setting up the cubieboard with MirageOS

Plenty of information on setting up a cubieboard with Xen and MirageOS is available elsewhere, most notability:

For debugging I am a big fan for wireshark. I run a full wireshark sesson on the machine which is connection sharing to my cubieboard network, to check all external traffic.

For this guide, I will always be compiling for Xen ARM backend, with direct network connection via br0 and a static IP for all unikernels. My test network router is configured to give out static IP of the form 192.168.1.x to hosts with the MAC address 00:00:00:00:00:0x. As a result, my file look like:

open Mirage

let ip_config:ipv4_config = {
  address= Ipaddr.V4.make 192 168 1 2;
  netmask= Ipaddr.V4.make 255 255 255 0;
  gateways= [Ipaddr.V4.make 192 168 1 1];

let client =
  foreign "Unikernel.Client" @@ console @-> stackv4 @-> job

let () =
  add_to_ocamlfind_libraries [ "dns.mirage"; ];
  register "dns-client" 
[ client $ default_console $ direct_stackv4_with_static_ipv4 default_console tap0 ip_config]

Since the IP address of the unikernel is, before launching the unikernel, I do:

echo "vif = [ 'mac=00:00:00:00:00:02,bridge=br0' ]" >> dns-client.xl

I build unikernel using the usual commands:

mirage configure --xen
make depend; make; make run
# edit file.xl
sudo xl create -c file.xl

Part 1.2 – Getting Started

The following is the complete code for a unikernel which queries a DNS server for a DNS domain and prints to console the IP address returned.

open Lwt
open V1_LWT

let domain = ""
let server = Ipaddr.V4.make 8 8 8 8

module Client (C:CONSOLE) (S:STACKV4) = struct

  module U = S.UDPV4
  module DNS = Dns_resolver_mirage.Make(OS.Time)(S)

  let start c s =
    let t = DNS.create s in
    OS.Time.sleep 2.0 
    >>= fun () ->
    C.log_s c ("Resolving " ^ domain)
    >>= fun () ->
    DNS.gethostbyname t ~server domain
    >>= fun rl ->
      (fun r ->
         C.log_s c ("Answer " ^ (Ipaddr.to_string r))
      ) rl


This unikernel will query a DNS server at (google public DNS resolver) for a domain Here we are using the simple function, DNS.gethostbyname, with the following type sig:

  val gethostbyname : t ->
    ?server:Ipaddr.V4.t -> ?dns_port:int ->
    ?q_class:Dns.Packet.q_class ->
    ?q_type:Dns.Packet.q_type ->
    string -> Ipaddr.t list Lwt.t

This returns a list of IP’s, which we then iterative over with Lwt_list.iter_s and print to the console.

Part 1.3 – Boot time parameters

Hardcoding the server and domain is far from ideal, instead we will provide them at boot time with Bootvar, the interface for bootvar is below:

type t
(* read boot parameter line and store in assoc list - expected format is "key1=val1 key2=val2" *)
val create: unit -> t Lwt.t

(* get boot parameter *)
val get: t -> string -> string option

(* get boot parameter, throws Not Found exception *)
val get_exn: t -> string -> string

We can now use this to provide domain and server at boot time instead of compile time

let start c s =
    Bootvar.create () >>= fun bootvar ->
    let domain = Bootvar.get_exn bootvar "domain" in
    let server = Ipaddr.V4.of_string_exn (Bootvar.get_exn bootvar "server") in

Part 1.4 – Using Resolve

Now, a real DNS resolver will need to make many more parameters (any DNS query) and return full DNS responses not just IP address. Thus we need to move on from DNS.hostbyname to using the less abstract resolve function, resolve:

  val resolve :
    (module Dns.Protocol.CLIENT) ->
    t -> Ipaddr.V4.t -> int ->
    Dns.Packet.q_class ->
    Dns.Packet.q_type ->
    Dns.Name.domain_name ->
    Dns.Packet.t Lwt.t 

We can achieve same result of hostbyname as follows:

    DNS.resolve (module Dns.Protocol.Client) t server 53 Q_IN Q_A (string_to_domain_name domain)
    >>= fun r ->
    let ips =
    List.fold_left (fun a x ->
      match x.rdata with
      | A ip -> (Ipaddr.V4 ip) :: a
      | _ -> a ) [] r.answers in

We are now explicit about parameters such as port, class and type. Note that we have opened the Dns.Name and Dns.Packet.t modules. The return value of resolve is a Dns.Packet.t, we fold over answers in the produce an IPaddr.V4 list as with hostbyname. We can also use the to_string function in Packet to print

I’ve taken a break to do some refactoring work on the ocaml-dns library. In the next post, Part 2, we will expand our code to a DNS stub resolver.


Release of “ARC: Analysis of Raft Consensus”

 “ARC: Analysis of Raft Consensus” is now available online as a UCAM technical report.


The Paxos algorithm, despite being synonymous with distributed consensus for a decade, is famously difficult to reason about and implement due to its non-intuitive approach and underspecification. In response, this project implemented and evaluated a framework for constructing fault-tolerant applications, utilising the recently proposed Raft algorithm for distributed consensus. Constructing a simulation framework for our implementation enabled us to evaluate the protocol on everything from understandability and efficiency to correctness and performance in diverse network environments. We propose a range of optimisations to the protocol and released to the community a testbed for developing further optimisations and investigating optimal protocol parameters for real-world deployments.

Thank you everyone for your feedback.

OCaml Monthly Meeting – Live Blog

Today’s OCaml Labs Monthly Meeting is all about practise talks for OCaml2013 so in that spirit, I’ll practising a bit of live-blogging too.

13:53 – Today’s SRG Meeting is over and its time for some work before the OCaml Labs meeting at 4:00, see you then …

16:02 Techincal difficulties delayed the start

16:02 Intro from Anil

introducing Gabriel Scherer who is visiting us this week and going we are going to Maypole after this meeting. We had a cash prise from ASPLOS after winning the HiPEAC paper award and the money will go towards SRG wine for XMAS party. Signpost paper was accepted to FOCI and a HotNet paper on Trevi was also just accepted

OCL Website – Too much manual management at the moment, moving to an ocaml planet feed of blog posts. David has been busy hacking on OPAM2web, OPAM has 512 packages, Opam2web takes a subset of the OPAM packages and makes the metadata into a minisite, like on OPAM. Doesn’t require manual updates, like an ATOM feed.

Upcoming events – Tomorrow is the 2nd compiler hacking event, at the makespace. Anil will be talking at QCon on Mirage, Mirage 1.0 release date is October 22nd, so maybe a workshop before. We 3 talks for Ocaml2013 (Platform, OcamlOT and Ctypes) so here we go …

16:09 Anil practice talk on OCaml Platform 1.0

Languages take many difference approaches to platform, but what does platform even mean? As a late mover in this field, we can learn from other languages. A platforms is NOT a group of temporarily motivated hackers to build a replacement standard library. Its hard to adopt a particular approach without a domain specific purpose, there are too many opinions, we need objective way to determine what belongs in the platform, we need a genie community that is sustainable (even if a large party leaves). A platform is a bundle of tools that interoperate, with quantitative metric to judge success, built in agility and supporting developers thought the whole development life cycle. Industrial partners have a range of needs, as each work in different domains.

Tooling – Overview of 5 areas: OPAM from OCamlPro, IDE Tools, OPAM-DOC, OCaml compiler itself and

OPAM – 1.1 released today (maybe), over 100 contributors to OPAM,  500+ packages, 1500+ unique versions, external dependency solver using CUDF

IDE Support – OCaml has many intermediate files. In OCaml 4.0 onwards, we have a binary format of an abstract syntax tree with type annotations called cmt (and cmti for interface files), we can now create external tools to query this like opam-doc. ocp-index and ocp-indent from OCamlPro, and Merlin (I thinks this is EPIC) are also now available

opam-doc – Now we have cmt files, we need unified documentation across packages, this is much harder than it sounds as it touches every part of the tool stack. Not all packages can be installed at once due to conflicts. Module inclusion is tough to code in static html. (Need to make a demo) bindoc takes the Typed AST (in cmt) and generates cmd, which include the ocamldoc comments, Opamdoc takes the cmt database for opam and output a single website with your universe of packages. – Demo of at, feedback is welcome says amir

Now we have the tools, what metrics can we extract to see how well our tools are doing.

Portability – windows compatibility ?

Maintainer – is there a place for docs and will people response to issues/comments/emails, where can issues be submitted ?

Tests – code coverage, multi variant benchmarking in core-bench

Stability – OPAM support pining, how stable are the interfaces of libraries ?

opam tracks compiler constraint, statically analyses the build system from logs (OCamlOT)

Agility – Building a platform is EXHAUSTING. We want to ask “WANT IF” questions: what if let was monomophic? what if we removed camlp4? what is the syntax precedence changes ?

Distrusted workflow – build on git, distributing tasks between 3 actors: Author (library writers), OCamlOL workers and maintainers. As we become more stable we move from staging to stable to inclusion in the platform.

We are building a tussle, we want to launch a game in janurary and let people put standard libraries into the ring, running OCamlOT to discover the winner

No clear winner: Lwt – portability, Batteries – free of syntax extensions, core – comprehensive.

16:36  Discussion over the battle of the standard libraries and talk feedback

C: talk is a bit long, not sure what to cut..

C: OPAM was dicussed last year at OCaml2013, we want to update everyone and follow on without overlapping too much

Q: Haven’t we already decided on JS’s core ?

A: No, we use all of them, i.e. Mirage used lwt extensively

Q: What if we don’t want any of the new standard libraries ? maybe I just want to use domain specific libraries from OPAM as and when I need them

A: We are not forcing the new standard libraries on anyone, but they are useful for beginners, nice to have consistent style, interoperability and few open statements e.g. Open Core.Std

Q: What if I have already decided which standard library I want to use ?

A: Again we are not forcing standard libraries on anyone, we are just trying to force effort more directly. OCaml tools will always be standard library agnoctic

C: the diagram of OCamlOT is confustion

C: how to not overlap with david talks

16:41 Davids talk on OCamlOT

State for the open source OCaml community

Outline: what is quality software? what is the user experience? what is feedback loop for package authors? How do we represent the thing underneath this all? utopian future ?

Quality: Work on every core (ANIL: We want multi-core 😛 ), consistent results: work or die nicely with obvious solution, not more “What have I forgotten?” questions, it should just tell you. We need addictive actions (not sure what they are), consistency, quality functions…

Universal concerns: compiler hypothesis “what if” questions (anil already said this), build system hypotheses “what strange assumuptions is the buid system making?”, package manager hypothesis and environmner hypothesis

Workflow: Make a pull request, curator observes the proposal, predict the future, proposes amendments, feedback loop and finally agreement is reached. Core is release weekly for example, we are trying to work like linux kernal patches

New workflow: promote health of OCaml community, preaching compatibility, “observe, orient, decide and act”, Computer assisted curator will help a human, to run the loop faster, human can pose questions to the computer assisted curator e.g  “will this run on ARM ?”

Repository Observation: github binding with web hooks but we are not tied to github. We merge into the world and we need dependences from each possible users prospective of the world

Dependency Orientation: capabilities with environmental dependances, packages with constriant-based dependencies, repositories with revision dependencies and artifact dependencies. example of the android repo

Triage Decisions: taking plain text error and parsing them into categories such as unsatisfiability (can’t have these two packages), dependencies (if my dependency is broken, then I am broken), transient (network down), system, metadata, external dependences (you forgot to write a dependency), build errors and a combo of many of the above.

State Action: commit intention, build, error analysis and buid results

Internet res: The agents negotiates over REST API on HTTPS, independent metadata layers (not sure about this) ,everythings an s-exp, branch consistent store explained, like git or Irminsule

Current state: github web hooks, we are conservative so one byte changes and we rebuild everything, basic triage heuristics completed, no amendment are proposed by the system atm, we don’t commit the outcome but the evidence, simple reactions to results, a website with green and red boxes in the large table

History: we have found lots of metadata issues, many packages bugs, some tool bugs like a non relocatable compiler and ocamlbuild PATH ignorer, we currently have 30+ x84-64 30+x84-32, 8 ARMs , many Linux distros , dead Raspberry Pi, panicking *nix filesystems and lots of people have set warning as error

Future: opamfu for DAG analysis, schema migration overhead, lower overhead for administrating exotic workers contributed to OCamlOT, we need to authenticate machines using ocaml-sodium, we need more advanced automation, proposed amendments, lets have a dialogue, better website integration, benchmarking your upgrades (how much improves cost), run experiments on whole OPAM universe with differential analysis and VM-based test system, to specific the worker finely.

What I think quantity is, vision of the future, how its represented underneath and what’s next,


C: that was 20mins, feedback to David regarding content to be cut,

17:23 Ctypes by Jeremy 

This is a update not a practice talk

An examples of puts from C, how we can write no C and link in OCaml,

NEW things in Ctypes:
prettyprinting – for C types and C values, making it much eaiser to examine values for debuygging

biarray – support for lump of C memory

More type – nullable string, complex numbers

String conversions – much faster

Memory management issues – ctypes now gives the programmer more control over lifetime of OCaml passed to C,

finaliser – which you can attach to memory


stub generation – instead of dynamically binding, it will generate stub code to act to the API

capability-style memory safty – one rogue pointer in a C library, can cause hell, loading each C library in a seperate address space so i library can only kill itself, you can then even run on C library on a foreign host or on a virtual machine

static strcut/union layout – checking layout of structures and unions against the API

17:40 Amir demo of, (its look great :))


OCaml Development in Vim

This is a quick run-through of how I set up my development environment in vim:

Install pathogen.vim

mkdir -p ~/.vim/autoload ~/.vim/bundle; \
curl -Sso ~/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim \

Add the following to ~/.vimrc:

execute pathogen#infect()
syntax on
filetype plugin indent on

Install Syntastic

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone

Then quit vim and used :Helptags to check installs so far have worked.

Install Merlin

opam switch 4.01.0dev+trunk
opam update
opam upgrade
opam install merlin

Add the following to ~/.vimrc

:set rtp+=~/.opam/4.01.0dev+trunk/share/ocamlmerlin/vim
:set rtp+=~/.opam/4.01.0dev+trunk/share/ocamlmerlin/vimbufsync
let g:syntastic_ocaml_checkers=['merlin']

:SyntasticInfo will return a list of syntax checkers available to Syntastic, check that this now includes merlin

Install OCP Indent

opam install ocp-indent

Add the following to ~/.vimrc

autocmd FileType ocaml source /home/heidi-ann/.opam/4.01.0dev+trunk/share/typerex/ocp-indent/ocp-indent.vim

ICFP, CUFP & OCaml2013

I’m busy planning my first trip across the Atlantic to attend ICFP, CUFP and OCaml 2013. Today, I’ve been given the duty of “live blogging” the event, over at the syslog, the Cambridge Systems Research Group blog.

My other job for the event is to improve the documentation for Janestreet’s Async library. if anyone else is keen, I would love to organise a doc-a-thon to populate the .mli files