Tag Archives: azure

Azure Latency Pilot Study: Part 4 – Variation in results with time

So far in this study, we have only considered the aggregated measurements and how they vary depending on the VMs used. In this post, we will considered how the RTT measurements may have changed over time.

The following 5 plots show the RTT as observed by each machine over time. The y axis stops as 12 ms to aid visibility of the majority of results. Using the CDF of all results from the second part in this series, we can see that these figures thus include around 85% of all data points.

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The most striking aspect of these figures is the 2 hour gap in the results. The source of this failure is still unknown. Azure reported no machine or network failures during this time and the system removed and continued to take measurements without any manual intervention. Otherwise, between 2 and 5 ms the RTT measurements appear to be fairly randomly distributed, although as we saw last time their distribution approximates normal (as we would expect).

Overall, I am not particularly happy with the results collected so far and hope the next round of tests will generate better results. Tomorrow, we will compare how these results differ from other studies.

Azure Latency Pilot Study: Part 2 – Aggregated results

This is post we will be looking at the results for the Azure latency Pilot study described last week. We will starting by looking at the aggregate results, disregarding the time a measurement was taken and which machines the measurement was taken between.

The 22332 data points have been processed in Python3, in particular using the matplotlib and numpy libraries. The scripts are available in azure-measurements repository.
They currently only use the average round trip time, as reported by hping3, average over 10 pings.

property RTT (ms)
min 1.1
max 1242.2
mean 15.9
std 66.5

The results in the table above are much larger than I expected. Given the large standard deviation and very large maximum value, it is likely that a few large measures have skewed the results. Let’s take a look at the cumulative distribution function (CDF) and percentile points to see if this is the case.

percentile RTT (ms)
25th 3.0
50th 3.8
75th 4.7
90th 61.4
95th 69.7
99th 87.3

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As expect, some large measurements have skewed the results. However, the proportion of measurement which are considered large is much greater then I expected. This warrants further investigation.

Before that, lets take a closer look at how the majority of value are distributed. Due to the central limit theorem and the sufficiently large sample size, we would expect to see a normal distribution. In simulators such as Raft Refloated, we simulate latency as normally distributed with given parameters, discarding values below a threshold value. We can take a closer look at the probability density function (PDF) and see if this is a reasonable approximation.

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The green bars represent the probability of each RTT. We see an approximate normal distribution, although it is clear that this distribution doesn’t have the same parameters as the data set as a whole. The red lines shows a normal distributed with mean 3.6 and standard deviation of 1. This red line appears to be a reasonable approximation and could be used in simulation.

Next post, we will looks at how the measured RTT differs depending which of the 5 machines the measurement was taken between.

Azure Latency Pilot Study: Part 1 – Experimental Setup

This post, the first in a short series, discusses a simple overnight pilot study of measuring network characteristics on Microsoft Azure. This study was to be the first of many. Its purpose was to test the tools and gave some initial measurements, thus informing the the design of more substantial measurement studies in the future.


Ultimately, I would like to answer the following questions about today’s cloud offerings:
1. How often do VMs fail in practice? What is the typical downtime? And to what extent are these failures correlated with each other? How does the failure rate vary with different price tiers and different cloud providers? For example, comparing normal instances to low cost instances like Amazon EC2 Spot instances or Google Clouds Preemptible Instances
2. How often do network partitions occur? What types of partitions do we see in practice? Do they isolate individual nodes or divide a cluster into a few disconnected groups? Do partial partitions, which we believe can cause issues for protocols such as Raft, occur in practice?
3. What are the latency characters between VMs? How about between between different datacenters by the same provider or by different providers?
4. How do today’s open source fault-tolerant data stores such as LogCabin or CorfuDB perform in practice? Is this sufficient to meet application demands? How quickly can such system heal after failures?
5. How can use the above to configure systems such as Raft Refloated or Coracle to simulate real work deployments of fault tolerance applications?

Experimental Setup

The experiment was run across virtual machines in the Azure. Azure is Microsoft’s cloud offering and a competitor to services such as Google Cloud and Amazon EC2. Azure was chosen simple over the competition simply because we have access to free credits. This was the first time I had used it (except from hosting the Coracle SIGCOMM demo) and it was relatively straight forward to perform simple operations, though not without its difficulties. For the management of the virtual machines, I mostly used Azure ASM CLI, a command line utility for managing VMs, its written in JS and is open source. This first test used 5 ‘small’ machines in North Europe, running overnight.

The machine themselves where simple Ubuntu 14.03 instance (and yes, Azure does have linux VM’s too). One machine was manually set-up, captured and cloned. Setup involved adding the public key of the data collection server, cloning measurement scripts and running them as a service, installing a few dependencies and running sudo waagent -deprovision before capturing the VM image.


The measurement script simply TCP pings (sends SYN and waits for response) all the other machines in the test set every 20 sec and writes the results with test time to disk. It is worth noting that Azure drops ICMP traffic and whilst they acknowledge that is case of external traffic, many people (myself included) could not get internal ICMP traffic through either. The tool used was hping3, and it reported min, max and average round trip from a 10 successive pings.

The measurement server waited until after the end of the measurement study to collect data, to avoid interfering with the measurement. The collection script simply pulls the data from the measurement servers using scp (and the asymmetric keys established earlier). The other management jobs such as cleaning the data files or updating measurement scripts was done using parallel ssh.


The experiment was ran between 19:00 and 08:50:00, across 5 virtual machines. In total, 22332 measurements were involved in the analysis, ranging from 1.1 ms to 1242 ms. The raw data is available online, as are all the scripts used.

Tomorrow, we will look at some analysis of these results.